All Reviews So Far
It was a wonderfully deep and calming meditation from Warrior, despite some burping. A feel so happy and positive.
A bit mind-chattery, but a very deep and loving meditation that's really cleared my thoughts and raised my vibration.
A lit bit of interuption, but overall a peaceful and deep meditation from Sahasrara, and I feel so very blessed and happy.
Visionary was mild but calming and Floresta was so profound.
As normal, Visionary was mild, but Svadisthana was deep and loving.
Visionary was very mild, but Sahasrara is really proving itself as a profound rapé and so loving. I feel amazing.
This was the first time I've had Visionary in more than year. It was very mild, but brought some sense of peace. The right nostril combination was much rougher and more potent, bringing great calm and love. My mind is totally cleared.
It was a bit of a mild meditation overall. My mind is a little bit jittery this afternoon, but I held the line, and it was rather peaceful.
Visionary was really quite calming, but Parika brought a profound and very loving meditation. So hopefuly and optimistic!
Visionary was mild, as it normally is, but Floresta was profound. I was a in a deep meditation, with so much hope and optimism, and I'm ready for the rest of my day.
What a wonderful ceremony. Visionary was a little mild, but Shaneihu is a potent and very loving blend. I'm just so, so optimistic and grateful for the wonderful week and month ahead.
A good meditation but a little mild. Even Tornado, although very good, left a somewhat subtle sensation. I don't know if it's just because this packet is almost finished and quite old. Nevertheless, I feel good!
It was a tiny little bit subtle, but a really loving meditation.
A very nice meditation, mainly from Divine Union. I felt really calm.
Truly a wonderful and very loving meditation. Even Visionary was good, but Mulata sent me into a very, very deep meditation. The future is so bright and I'm grateful.
I tried a new seating position, which didn't really work out, but Mulata gave a very deep meditation, and I feel very good.
What a wonderful rapé meditation!! The left-nostril combination really worked well, and Madre gave me a very deep and loving ceremony, with so much gratitude! The darkness has now lifted, just as I've been praying for, in my country, and will soon lift in the rest of the world. Victory!
It was a really deep and loving meditation, but I'm just a bit off balance this evening.
This was a very good ceremony. Even Visionary was lovely. I tried Cumaru de Cheiro for the first time in a while - it gave a profound meditation. Some mind-chatter, but perhaps not too much.
It was a pleasant meditation but a little subdued, perhaps by my full stomach, and perhaps also by the strange energies today.
It was a little but subdued, but maybe due to the heat. I'm just so at peace and so grateful for everything right now!
Another truly amazing meditation from Gesileu. I'm so glad I got this. It's truly lovely!!
A nice afternoon ceremony, full of love. I expected Madre to give me more, given the amount, but it was beautiful nevertheless.
A lovely ceremony from Corda Tsunu, but the Visionary was really good too!
Visionary brought a very pleasant peace and the power rapés in the right nostril combination brought a beautiful deep meditation. I was deeply grateful for everything that's happened recently, with the darkness in the world being mostly lifted and me having moving into such a positive timeline.
Some strange energies coming in today, probably the odd astrology tomorrow with the eclipse and full moon. A powerful portal, but these tend to affect my ceremonies. A little subdued, but still very peaceful.
I had a lovely sense of presence and peace almost throughout. A little bit off-balance at the end, but it might be this cold I'm dealing with. A very nice ceremony.
A lovely ceremony. Madre always delivers a peace and deep meditation.
Just a really nice meditation, full of love. A good day today!
Actually a good ceremony, if a little strange and forceful, allowing my mind to wander a little. Visionary was pleasant and Warrior Princesse brought a rather deep meditation. I feel really good afterwards.
Actually a really nice ceremony. Even Visionary brought a nice peace, and Portal was really good. Some mind-chatter, but not too off-putting.
Visionary continues to be mild, but the right nostril combination brought a deep meditation, full of love and light.
A lovely ceremony, in which I felt the love of God filling my whole being. I feel fantastic afterwards!
I really put Visionary to the test with this one, and I confirmed it's not a potent rapé at all. A somewhat pleasant sensation off it, but not strong. Divine Union was great. The ceremony as a while as a little mild.
I didn't get much from Visionary, but it did clear my mind and left a nice calm sensation. Jaguar was more profound, giving me a lovely ceremony.
A pleasant meditation, but a little marred by mucus coming up and some mind-chatter. Maybe a little more of each of these rapés, to take me deeper. Relaxing ceremony though.
A very pleasant and loving meditation full of hope for the future.
I didn't get much from Visionary, but Mulata was excellent - a very loving meditation
The thing with Visionary is that it's a bit rougher than the other two Shamanic Snuff blends I have, but it's also less potent, but this is a good time in a day to have it. The Moy is also a little rough, but quite potent, and it was a good meditation.
This was a forgettable ceremony. I did a little Ambil about 10 minutes beforehand to calm my mind, and this was the first time I did Force and Mulata in a combination. I don't know if it's a good combination. Somewhat relaxed after this one.
It was a little bit mild, and I didn't reach that complete peace that I crave, but it was merely pleasant.
First of all, I was surprised how effective the Pineal was in combination with Putanny - quite profound. The Visionary was amazing. I had the pleasant senation of feeling very light. It wasn't the deepest of meditations, but it was very pleasant.
A lovely second ceremony. I was again little bit anxious though - some strange dark energies today.
A nice but milder ceremony.
An incredible ceremony! One of the two power-couples of the rapé world. I went very deep into meditation, sending love and hope to the world, knowing that the amazing resilience of the good people of this world will inevitably overcome the darkness.
Kundalini seems to be an excllent early morning rapé when taken in this quantity. This is surprising, as I've often found it to be mild. It brought me into a relaxing meditation straight off. There was seemingly little left for the Visionary to do, as it was surprisingly a little mild. I had a lovely ceremony though and feel at peace.
Although a little on the mild side, the meditation was actually deeply relaxing, and it was a ceremony that was strangely more than the sum of its parts.
One of the best left nostril reactions to a rapé I've ever had! The Nexus immediately brought me into a deep meditation, but the Visionary was surprisingly a little mild. Still an excellent ceremony though. I'd like to swap the palms for these two when I try them together again.
An understandably milder ceremony, but I feel absolutely fantastic and at peace now!
I tried another two new rapés, and both were really good. A milder meditation, given it was the second in a sequence, but I sense these are amazing blends. I feel very relaxed with a clear mind!